Whoever touches the life of the child touches the most sensitive point of a whole which has roots in the most distant past and climbs toward the infinite future.
— Maria Montessori

Parents, families, and friends play an integral role in the ongoing success of CHMS. Through the generosity of your time and the sharing of your talents with the CHMS community, our children continue to blossom toward thoughtful, independent, and compassionate global citizens. There are many ways to volunteer at CHMS, and we invite you to sign up today! 

Classroom Volunteers: 

  • Classroom Parent

  • Driver for Field Trips

  • Share Skills and Talents

School Volunteers:

  • Building and Grounds Helper

  • Recycling

  • Office Support


  • Fundraising

  • Finance

Children's House Montessori School Board of Directors

CHMS Board of Directors is committed to the preservation of our vision and to safeguard the financial stability of the school in order to ensure the advancement of the school's mission for future generations. Our board is comprised of parents, former parents, and community supporters who volunteer their time and efforts to guide and support CHMS.


Evan Waters, Chair

Heather Rogers, Vice Chair

Erin Cochran, Secretary


Audrey Aponte

Clio Berta

Ross Caron

Caleb Lincoln

Daniel Wallace